High-intensity training
The High-intensity training (HIT) class experience can be fully customized to the speed that's right for you, so it's perfect for all skill levels. Headphones required.
Medium & Heigh
Cardio Stamina
Contact us for price
40 min
Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat
Class Benefits
At its core, our studio tightens what’s loose and loosens what’s tight. By working evenly with subtle moves, no muscles are ever over or under – trained, creating balance in the body. At its core, our studio tightens what’s loose and loosens what’s tight. By working evenly with subtle moves, no muscles are ever over or under – trained, creating balance in the body.
what to bring
with you
- Reusable water bottle
- Headphones
- Comfy workout clothes
- Clean and comfortable shoes
- Compact microfiber towel
- Shower Essentials
Kayode David
I’ve always thought that Yoga & Pilates were for women until I was persuaded by the Trainers to join. I really enjoy every bit of it, it is relaxing and helps with flexibility. I’m always look forward to each session.
Aina Joel
They modify your workouts based on your fitness level, they have tons of classes you can pick based on your convenience. Oh! How can I forget the warm reception from both Trainers and Front desk representatives. I would definitely recommend ECOFITNESS anytime, anywhere. 👍
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